Senin, 18 Agustus 2008

Saddleback Forum Round Up

By John Fea

Here are few of the early opinion pieces on Rick Warren's Saddleback Forum on the Presidency (See Darren Grem's post below for links to the transcript).

Mike Madden has a very informative piece at Salon

Michael Gerson and Sally Quinn at the Washington Post give the nod to John McCain.

Bill Kristol at the New York Times praises Rick Warren and suggests he should moderate the official presidential debates this fall.

Alan Wolfe at the New Republic also thinks the real winner Saturday night was Warren, while Noam Scheiber disagrees with pundits who proclaimed McCain the winner.

As expected, Beliefnet covers the Saddleback Forum from every possible angle.

And my own take at The Way of Improvement Leads Home.

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