"Critical Approaches to Religion and Politics"
A special issue of Radical History Review (#99, Fall 2007)
The newest issue of Radical History Review is of interest to American religious historians; below is a selected portion of the table of contents. I'm definitely going to check out Axel Schaefer's piece. There are many pieces (not listed here) on religious history in other parts of the world.
FEATURE ARTICLES:Axel R. Schaefer, "The Cold War State and the Resurgence of Evangelicalism: A Study of the Public Funding of Religion Since 1945"
Sarah Crabtree, "'A Beautiful and Practical Lesson of Jurisprudence': The Transatlantic Quaker Ministry in an Age of Revolution"
Daniel Magaziner, "Christ in Context: Developing a Political Faith in Apartheid South Africa"
Edward E. Andrews, "'Creatures of Mimic and Imitation': The Liberty Tree, Black Elections, and the Politicization of African Ceremonial Space in Revolutionary Newport, Rhode Island"
Melanie A. Bailey, "From Spontaneous Generation to Intelligent Design: Conservative Challenges to Science and Radicalism"
Bryan F. Le Beau, "Science and Religion: A Historical Perspective on the Conflict over Teaching Evolution in the Schools"
Steve Russell, "Law and Bones: Religion, Science, and the Discourse of Empire"
Michael Petro, "Domesticity and Spirituality in African American Religious History and Ethnography. Review of Julius H. Bailey, Around the Family Altar: Domesticity in the African Methodist Episcopal Church,1865-1900; and Marla F. Frederick, Between Sundays: Black Women and Everyday Struggles of Faith
Alex Lichtenstein, "Up from Redemption: A Biography of Max Yergan. Review of David Henry Anthony III, Max Yergan: Race Man, Internationalist, Cold Warrior
CURATED SPACE: Conor McGrady, "Reverend Billy"
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