Minggu, 06 April 2008

Fill in the Book Title Contest


A while back Ed Blum started a comment-off on this blog, his entry being best titles in American religious history. Unbeknownst to us, Jon Pahl's blog entry on Jeremiah Wright would sweep the field of comments, the leader so far in this blog's history.

I'm just back from a highly excellent weekend with the Young Scholars in American Religion in Indianapolis. I'll have something more serious to say about that later. For the time being: While there, eminent Young Scholar and blog contributing editor Randall Stephens sent off a number of witticisms that seemed to me possible "before the colon" book or article titles. Your task: to fill in the rest of the title. It will be sort of like those last-page-of-the-New-Yorker contests, where you are given the cartoon and asked to create the caption.

So here are four [update: now five] titles, from Randall's bottomless store of quips; you fill in the rest in the comments section. Give me the rest of the book or article title.

1) The Halls of Powerlessness: [fill in favorite deprecatory joke about academia here] . . . . .

2) Stop, Drop, and Holy Roll: . . . . . . . . [fill in the blank]

3) The Devil-Busting Satellite: . . . [from an actual quote on TBN, but apply it as you wish!].

4) The Pantheon of AntiChrists: . . .

5) Anthems of Cultural Captivity: . . . . . .

And for you Young Scholars who follow this blog: I did go undefeated in touch football play this weekend. Not to rub it in or anything . . .

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