Religion Compass: Religion in the Americas is a new section of an online academic publishing project from Blackwell Publishing; the American Religion Section is headed by Jason Bivins and Sean McCloud. Below is a call for papers on the senses and American Religions.
Religions in America section editors Jason Bivins and Sean McCloud invite you to contribute an article to Religion Compass, an online journal from Blackwell Publishing Ltd. The topic for our inaugural issue is "The Sensorium of American Religions," and our goal is to offer pieces on American religions and the five senses: vision (such as religious visual cultures, iconography, film, art), hearing (such as religion and music, oral prayers, incantations), taste (such as religion and food), touch and smell (in the context of ritual and memory, for example). We also welcome proposals on religious understandings of a "sixth sense," the recurring register through which American religions have imagined alternative or extra-sensory experiences.
Articles will ideally be between 3,000 - 6,000 words and would summarize the state of the field for the educated non-specialist by discussing recent research on the subject and providing a look to the future direction of study. All articles go through a full peer-review and revision process. For further information, or to proposea n article, please contact the editors at: Jason Bivins, jcbivins AT unity DOT ncsu, or Sean McCloud, spmcclou AT uncc DOT edu.
Jason C. Bivins, Associate Professor and Associate Head, Department of Philosophy and Religion, North Carolina State University
Religions in America section editors Jason Bivins and Sean McCloud invite you to contribute an article to Religion Compass, an online journal from Blackwell Publishing Ltd. The topic for our inaugural issue is "The Sensorium of American Religions," and our goal is to offer pieces on American religions and the five senses: vision (such as religious visual cultures, iconography, film, art), hearing (such as religion and music, oral prayers, incantations), taste (such as religion and food), touch and smell (in the context of ritual and memory, for example). We also welcome proposals on religious understandings of a "sixth sense," the recurring register through which American religions have imagined alternative or extra-sensory experiences.
Articles will ideally be between 3,000 - 6,000 words and would summarize the state of the field for the educated non-specialist by discussing recent research on the subject and providing a look to the future direction of study. All articles go through a full peer-review and revision process. For further information, or to proposea n article, please contact the editors at: Jason Bivins, jcbivins AT unity DOT ncsu, or Sean McCloud, spmcclou AT uncc DOT edu.
Jason C. Bivins, Associate Professor and Associate Head, Department of Philosophy and Religion, North Carolina State University
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