Paul Harvey
Yesterday, this blog turned two years old, and no one threw me a pity party! So, it's my party and I'll cry if I want to (more accurately, procrastinate if I want to).

So, happy birthday to us. I think 2 years is like middle-aged in blog years, right? We're sailing along with around 300 - 400 hits per day (more than that whenever we post about Sarah Palin, but you're not always so lucky). I'm happy that someone reads this.
Anyway, here's a few things we're working on for the near future. In the meantime, keep those good posts and comments coming.
1) Randall is working on a image site redesign so it won't look so, well,
you know, pre-formatted and unoriginally blogspotty. So we should have a revamped and better-imaged look up sometime reasonably soon.
2) Our author interviews with Emma Anderson, Kate Engel, Tisa Wenger, and others have proven popular and also useful for those authors, so look for more of those.
3) We've added a "search" feature recently so readers can do a google-style search just for material on the blog.
4) Kelly recently created a facebook fan page for us, and our fans now number in the triple digits! You facebookers, give it a look.
5) We've added a number of contributing editors recently, and are always open to others who are interested. The more, the merrier. So if you're interested, just contact me and we'll talk.
6) Several of our contributing editors -- John Fea, Phil Sinitiere, Gerardo Marti, and others -- have created their own blogs and are going gangbusters there. Someone once said be fruitful and multiply, and unlike most other commandments, we're actually following this one.
7) Let me know what else you would like to see here, not see here, or what other suggestions you have. And have a nice summery drink on us tonight.
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