SHEAR Call for Papers 2009 Annual Meeting
Springfield, Illinois
“Whither the Revolution: How the Early Republic Retained and Remolded the Legacy of the Revolution"
The 31st annual meeting of the Society for Historians of the Early American Republic will be held July 16-19,2009, in Springfield, Illinois. For the bicentennial of Abraham Lincoln’s birth, the program committee, mindful of Lincoln’s role in interpreting and reinterpreting the nation’s founding, has determined to seek explorations of the fate of the Revolutionary inheritance in the early republic. The years ofLincoln’s rise to political prominence focused attention specifically on the meaning of the founding generation’s legacy. It would be appropriate to assess the power of the Revolution to mold the expectations and directions of the next three generations of Americans. In the varied areas of American life—political, social, intellectual, and economic—scholars should define where the Revolutionary tradition was sustained, where it was modified, and where it was replaced. One of the many understandings that might result from such an enterprise is determining whether Lincoln maintained, modified, or replaced the Revolutionary heritage. Although the program committee is seeking sessions on the inheritance of the Revolution in the age of Lincoln, its members in no sense want to discourage scholars from presenting the results of their research on other topics in the history of the early republic.
The Program Committee welcomes the submission of individual papers and full sessions; it as well invites sessions employing formats other thanpresentation of papers. Proposals should include a brief abstract for the panel/session (maximum 600 words) as well as an abstract for each paper (maximum 300 words) and a brief (maximum one page) vita for each participant, including chairs and commentators. Every session proposal must include a single coversheet that lists for every participant acomplete and updated mailing address, email, phone number, and current affiliation. All interested participants are encouraged to send their submissions by email attachments; the format can be in MS Word, WordPerfect, or pdf (Adobe Acrobat).
**Please note that all program participants must be members of SHEAR or register at the non-member rate. The deadline for submissions isDecember 14, 2008.
Send submissions to: *Professor Jim Huston, Chair SHEAR Program Committee, History Department, Oklahoma State University, 501 LSW, Stillwater, OK 74078-3054. Email: james.huston AT okstate DOT edu.
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