A little preview of a book currently available but with a publication date of 2009. The Jonathan Edwards scholar Gerald R. McDermott has put together a nice compilation of essays, aimed at a fairly general readership: Understanding Jonathan Edwards: An Introduction to America's

The introduction to the volume summarizes some of the paradoxes that make Edwards as a man a fascinating subject, his standing as a thinker having long-since been established:
". . . Edwards thought of himself as a British subject loyal to the Empre but was at the same time sensitive to his colony's grievances. He was ambivalent towards Indians (hating their religion but loving many of those he knew personally), a philosopher who picked and choise from the world's best thinkers, and a religious thinker whose theology sowed the seeds of the very democracy he feared. He defended slavery but opposed the slave trade and offered Janus-faced positions on gender."
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