I've copied and pasted below and the majority of the AHA sessions on American religion. The previous post covered Thursday and Friday. This one, much longer, has all the rest. The problem: too many great sessions in the same time slots. I suppose that's a good
American Historical Association, Boston, MA, Saturday Jan. 8 - Sunday January 9
****Saturday, Jan. 8, 9:00–11:00 A.M.****
Rites and Rights of Passage: Enslaved Girls and
Women in the United States South and Barbados
Hynes Convention Center, Room 204
Sponsored by the AHA Committee on Minority Historians
Chair: Daina R. Berry, University of Texas at Austin
Papers: Badge of Slavery: Pubescent Female Slaves and Clothing
Courtney Moore, University of Florida
“Hanging Matters”: Enslaved Women, Bodily Punishments,
Death, and “Sacred Terror” in Urban Barbados
Marisa J. Fuentes, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
A Woman’s War Revised: Slave Women on the Civil
War’s Battlefi elds
Thavolia Glymph, Duke University
Comment: Jennifer L. Morgan, New York University
A Temple without Walls: Environmentalism as
“Secular Religion”
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Exeter Room
Joint session with the American Society for Environmental History
Chair: John L. Larson, Purdue University
Topics: Agnostic Gospels: Divining Nature in the Work of
Julian and Aldous Huxley
Richard Samuel Deese, Northeastern University
The Public Reception of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring:
Rationality, Spirituality, and Interpretations of Nature
Michelle Mart, Pennsylvania State University at Berks
Parareligion, Earth Nationalism, and the Quest for the
Sacred in Nature
Bron Taylor, University of Florida
Environmental Morality and Artisanal Pork: Local
Food to Save the Planet
Thomas R. Dunlap, Texas A&M University
Comment: Sarah T. Phillips, Boston University
Words and Deeds: New Perspectives on Catholic
Laywomen in Twentieth-Century America
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Clarendon Room
Joint session with the American Catholic Historical Association
Chair: Carol Coburn, Avila University
Papers: “What a Blessing it is to be Fond of Reading Good
Books”: Reading Circles and Catholic Women in Turnof-
the-Century America
Monica Mercado, University of Chicago
“Up against a Stone Wall”: Gender, Power, and the
National Catholic Community Houses
Jeanne Petit, Hope College
The Ladies in Hats Have Their Say: The National
Council of Catholic Women, Vatican II, and the
Women’s Movement, 1962–75
Mary Henold, Roanoke College
Comment: Mel W. Piehl, Valparaiso University
Faithful Narratives: The Challenge of Religion in History
Hynes Convention Center, Room 209
Joint session with the American Society of Church History
Chairs: Andrea Sterk, University of Florida
Nina Caputo, University of Florida
Panel: Carlos Eire, Yale University
Susanna Elm, University of California at Berkeley
Phyllis Mack, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Mark A. Noll, University of Notre Dame
John H. Van Engen, University of Notre Dame
Social and Political Utilizations of Gender and
Sexuality in African American Religion and
the Black Church
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Wellesley Room
Chair: Houston Roberson, Sewanee: University of the South
Papers: The Press and the Pulpit: Black Newspapers, Ministers,
and Sexuality, 1925–35
Kim Teresa Gallon, Muhlenberg College
“Guilty Partners”: Black Churches, Black Freedom, and
Black Sexuality in Postemancipation Virginia
Nicole Myers Turner, University of Pennsylvania
“Nothing Is Too Good for the Youth of Our Race”:
Black Nuns and the Struggle for Catholic Education in
the Jim Crow South
Shannen Dee Williams, Rutgers University-
New Brunswick
Comment: Tracey E. Hucks, Haverford College
American Catholic Historical Association Session 6
Cultural Conflicts, Cultural Change: Catholic
Higher Education in Twentieth-Century America
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Falmouth Room
Chair: David J. O’Brien, College of the Holy Cross
Papers: Surviving a Hostile Time: Catholic Higher Education
and the Second Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s
Bill Trollinger, University of Dayton
Advancing Christian Culture: Catholic Higher
Education and the Engendering of Theology
Sandra Yokum, University of Dayton
“A General Cultural Education Prior to Marriage”: The
Little-Known History of Catholic Junior Colleges
Fernanda Perrone, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Comment: David J. O’Brien
American Society of Church History Session 21
Religion in the Great Depression: Global
Collapse, Local Crises
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room D
Chair: Jon Butler, Yale University
Papers: In Every Cup of Bitterness, Sweetness: California
Christianity in the Great Depression
Jonathan Ebel, University of Illinois
The Redemption of Souls and Soils: Religion and the
Rural Crisis in the Mississippi Delta
Alison Collis Greene, Yale University
“God Is Not Affected by the Depression”: Pentecostal
Missions during the 1930s
Heather D. Curtis, Tufts University
Comment: Jon Butler
American Society of Church History Session 22
Retelling the History of American Christianities
The Westin Copley Place, Essex Ballroom Northwest
Chair: David G. Hackett, University of Florida
Papers: American Christianity in the Plural
Catherine A. Brekus, University of Chicago
Redeeming Modernity: Christian Theology in America
W. Clark Gilpin, University of Chicago
Christianity, National Identity, and the Contours of
Religious Pluralism
Tracy Fessenden, Arizona State University
Comment: David G. Hackett
Conference on Faith and History
Bracketing Faith and Historical Practice:
A Roundtable
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Maine Room
Chair: Randall J. Stephens, Eastern Nazarene College
Panel: Randall Balmer, Barnard College, Columbia University
Margaret Bendroth, Congregational Library (Boston)
Eugene B. McCarraher, Villanova University
Jon H. Roberts, Boston University
Grant Wacker, Duke University Divinity School
Lauren Winner, Duke University Divinity School
Comment: The Audience
****Saturday, Jan. 8, 11:30 A.M.–1:30 P.M.****
American Empire in Africa: Colonization,
Liberia, and a Benevolent Empire
Hynes Convention Center, Room 201
Chair: Ronald G. Walters, Johns Hopkins University
Papers: W.N. Lewis vs. Rev. John Seys: Power, Ideology, and
Race in Colonial Liberia
Matthew P. Spooner, Columbia University
“Benevolence” Abroad: The American Colonization
Society’s New Agenda, 1892–1964
Jennifer Walton-Hanley, Western Kentucky University
America in Africa: African Colonization and American
Empire, 1815–1925
Matthew J. Hetrick, University of Delaware
Comment: David Kazanjian, University of Pennsylvania
Suffering and the Sacred in American Society:
Protestant Debates about Faith and Affl iction
from the Puritans to the Present
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Grand Ballroom Salon A
Chair: Tracy Fessenden, Arizona State University
Papers: “Our Brethren lay bleeding”: Early New England
Responses to European Protestant Suffering
Adrian Weimer, University of Mississippi
The Question of Suffering: Debating Religion in the
American Prison, 1830–50
Jennifer Graber, College of Wooster
“The Whole Gospel for the Whole Man in the Whole World”:
Holiness Missionaries and the Healing of “Heathen” Suffering
Heather D. Curtis, Tufts University
Saving the World from Suffering: The Development of the
Christian Humanitarian Organization, World Vision
David King, Emory University
Comment: W. Clark Gilpin, University of Chicago
A Retrospective on the Scholarship
of Richard L. Bushman
Hynes Convention Center, Room 304
Joint session with the American Society of Church History
and the Mormon History Association
Chair: Grant Underwood, Brigham Young University
Panel: Catherine Kelly, University of Oklahoma
Laurie Maffl y-Kipp, University of North Carolina at
Chapel Hill
Harry S. Stout, Yale University
Gordon S. Wood, Brown University
Comment: Richard L. Bushman, Claremont Graduate University
Modernizing the Secular City:
Urban Planning and Social Identity
in the Americas, 1850–1950
Hynes Convention Center, Room 203
Joint session with the Conference on Latin American History
Chair: Mark A. Healey, University of California at Berkeley
Topics: El río Mapocho: espacio público e intervención
urbana en Santiago de Chile, 1885–1915
Simon Castillo Fernandez, Universidad de Chile
Migrantes andinos y esfera pública: el surgimiento
de los clubes regionales, Perú, 1850–1900
Jose Ragas, University of California at Davis
Transporte colectivo y políticas públicas: intervención,
nacionalización, estatización en Santiago de Chile,
Marcelo Mardones Penaloza, Pontifi cia Universidad
Catolica de Chile
White Space, Black Place: The Transnational Imagined
Community of the Black Press in São Paulo and Chicago,
Cristian Castro, University of California at Davis
Entering by the Narrow Gate: Catholicism and
American Identity in the Early Republic
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Tremont Room
Chair: Nancy L. Schultz, Salem State College
Papers: “This wretched set of people, the Catholics”: Harriett
Low’s Unitarian Bookshelf, China, 1829–34
Kimberly Alexander, Strawbery Banke Museum
American Slavery, American Freedom, American Catholicism
Maura Jane Farrelly, Brandeis University
Manifest Destinations: Contesting Catholicism in Early
American Travelogues
Dane A. Morrison, Salem State College
Comment: The Audience
American Society of Church History Session 26
Methodist Media: Comparing Means of Communicating the Message
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room C
Chair: Richard P. Heitzenrater, Duke University
Papers: Evangelical Encounters: Authenticity in Early
Methodist Worship
Erika K. R. Hirsch, Boston University
An Evangelical Public Relations Campaign: The
Methodist Episcopal Church and Print Culture,
Elizabeth A. Georgian, University of Delaware
“The Spirit-Filled Teacher”: Methodist Educational
Missions in Nineteenth-Century Asia
David W. Scott, Boston University
Methodists and India: Mapping, Contact, and Travel
in the Christian Advocate, 1860–90
Michael J. Altman, Emory University
Comment: Russell E. Richey, Emory University
American Society of Church History Session 27
Christianity and Global Sociopolitical Action
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room D
Chair: J. Michelle Molina, Northwestern University
Papers: The First Reactions to the World Council of Churches’
Program to Combat Racism
Antti Laine, University of Helsinki
The Political Vision of Latin America’s Catholic Youth,
c. 1900–50
Stephen Andes, St. Antony’s College, Oxford
Ties That Bind: The International Sister Church
Movement among American Christians, 1980–2008
Janel Kragt Bakker, Catholic University of America
Comment: J. Michelle Molina
****Saturday, Jan. 8, 2:30–4:30 P.M.****
Transplanting the Sacred: Missionary and
Immigrant Uses of Religion in Foreign Lands
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Exeter Room
Chair: Rick Kennedy, Point Loma Nazarene University
Papers: Women and the Sacred in the Transatlantic Religious
Marketplace of the Nineteenth Century: An Exploration of
Catholic, Jewish, and Protestant Women’s Religious Societies
Loretta Long Hunnicutt, Pepperdine University
Roman Catholics in the Wild West: Immigrant
Missionary Priests in Gold Rush California
Bryan J. Lamkin, Azusa Pacifi c University
Building and Rebuilding the African Church: French
Catholic Missionaries in Interwar Colonial Algeria
Bradley R. Hale, Azusa Pacifi c University
Syncretistic Americanism: Evangelical Missions and the
Reconstruction of Postwar Japan
Jon P. DePriest, San Diego Christian College
Comment: Erik C. Maiershofer, Hope International University
Sacred Mountains: How Science, Medicine, and Leisure Transformed Alpine Spaces into Spiritual Places
Hynes Convention Center, Room 308
Chair: Susan Schrepfer, Rutgers University-New Brunswick
Papers: Holy Mountains and Hollow Men: The Search for
Sanctuary in the Eastern Alps
Tait Keller, Rhodes College
Medicinal Mountains and Curative Climates: How
Physicians Made the Andes Sacred
Mark Carey, University of Oregon
Claiming Nature through Risky Behavior: How the
Leisure Class Appropriated the Rocky Mountains and
Found Transcendence in the Process
Diana Di Stefano, Bucknell University
Comment: Michael F. Robinson, University of Hartford
Sacralizing Rebels, Riots, and Rituals: Early Veneration of the American Revolution
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Grand Ballroom Salon A
Chair: Simon Finger, McNeil Center for Early American Studies
Panel: Zara Anishanslin, College of Staten Island,
City University of New York
Katherine Jorgensen Gray, Johns Hopkins University
Elizabeth Milroy, Wesleyan University
Comment: Simon Finger
Why Study Religion in the American West?
Hynes Convention Center, Room 311
Chair: Tisa J. Wenger, Yale University
Topics: A Western Theme to American Religious History?
David W. Wills, Amherst College
Taking the West Seriously in American Religious History
Quincy D. Newell, University of Wyoming
Borderlands Religion and the American West
Roberto Lint Sagarena, Middlebury College
Sacred but Not Religious: Finding Religion in the West
and the West in Religion
James B. Bennett, Santa Clara University
Getting Religion: New Themes for the Study of the
American West
Tisa J. Wenger
Women and Electoral Politics in the Long 1920s: Race, Gender, and Political Culture
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Orleans Room
Chair: Alison M. Parker, The College at Brockport (State
University of New York)
Topics: “Too Pure for Politics?”: Women, Nonpartisanship, and
the Hughes Campaign Train of 1916
Laurie Kozakiewicz, University at Albany
(State University of New York)
“Scared from the Polls”: Boston African American
Women, Disenfranchisement, and the 1920
Massachusetts Legislative Elections
Julie de Chantal, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Mapping Black Women’s Local and National Politics in
1920s Washington, D.C.
Mary-Elizabeth B. Murphy, University of Maryland
at College Park
Racial Uplift Is Not Enough: Nannie Helen Boroughs
and “Gender Uplift”
Courtney Lyons, Baylor University
Comment: Gayle Gullett, Arizona State University
American Society of Church History Session 29
Faith in the City: Urban Religions and the
Narratives of Modernity
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room B
Chair: Wallace Best, Princeton University
Papers: Doers of the Word: Adult Bible Classes and Urban
Reform in the Progressive Era
Christopher D. Cantwell, Cornell University
“Official Host of the Son of God”: Visions of a Catholic
America at Chicago’s International Eucharistic Congress
Matthew John Cressler, Northwestern University
“Thy Neighbor as Thyself ”: Religious Uplift and the
Reform Work of Lugenia Burns Hope in Atlanta
James R. Young Jr., Princeton University
Comment: Kathryn Lofton, Yale University
American Society of Church History Session 30
Things True and Useful: Writing History in
the Mormon Tradition
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room C
Chair: Susanna Morrill, Lewis and Clark College
Papers: History Thrown into Divinity: Faith, History, and the
Founding Events of Mormonism
Matthew Bowman, Georgetown University
“A New Order of Things”: Polygamy, Faith, and Scholarship
John G. Turner, University of South Alabama
“We’re Not the Mormons”: Alterity and Church History
in the Community of Christ
David J. Howlett, Kenyon College
Comment: Susanna Morrill
American Society of Church History Session 31
Religious Intolerance in American History
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room D
Chair: Heather D. Curtis, Tufts University
Panel: Chris Beneke, Bentley College
John Corrigan, Florida State University
Jon F. Sensbach, University of Florida
Rachel Wheeler, Indiana University-Purdue
University Indianapolis
Comment: The Audience
****Sunday, Jan. 9, 8:30–10:30 A.M.****
Exploiting the Fear of Violence: Creating Solidarity during the Revolutionary and Post-Revolutionary Era
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Exeter Room
Chair: Robert M. Calhoon, Journal of Backcountry Studies
Papers: The Use of Violence in Revolutionary Boston
Benjamin L. Carp, Tufts University
Religious Violence and Religious Liberty in the Early
National United States
Chris Beneke, Bentley College
Loyalist Lessons from the “Unnatural Rebellion”
Ruma Chopra, San Jose State University
Comment: Pauline Maier, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Beyond the Protestant Nation: Religion and the Narrative of American History
Hynes Convention Center, Room 110
Chair: Christopher D. Cantwell, Cornell University
Panel: Catherine L. Albanese, University of California at
Santa Barbara
Lila Corwin Berman, Temple University
Wallace Best, Princeton University
Richard L. Bushman, Claremont Graduate University
Robert Orsi, Northwestern University
Refugee Politics: New Research on European Jewish Refugees in the 1930s and 1940s
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Berkeley Room
Joint session with the Conference Group for Central
European History
Chair: Jeffry M. Diefendorf, University of New Hampshire
Papers: Refugee Status and Immigration Law before and after
the Evian Conference
Diane Afoumado, United States Holocaust
Memorial Museum
Emigration of Elderly Jews from Vienna to the United
States, 1938–41
Melissa Jane Taylor, Offi ce of the Historian, U.S.
Department of State
The Voyage of the St. Louis Revisited
C. Paul Vincent, Keene State College
Comment: Jeffry M. Diefendorf
Boundaries of Bondage, Frontiers of Freedom: Mobility and Slavery, Race, Nation, and Religiosity in the Atlantic World
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Grand Ballroom Salon A
Joint session with the Conference on Latin American History
Chair: Stephanie M. Camp, Rice University
Papers: Uncommon Winds: Race, Passports, and the Legal
Culture of Travel in Cuba
David A. Sartorius, University of Maryland at
College Park
Across the Miles: Slavery, Mobility, and the Law in
Nineteenth-Century Cuba
Camillia Cowling, University of Nottingham
“Where I Can Show Myself to Be a Man”: Christianity,
Colonization, and Gender Conventions among African
American Emigrants to Liberia, 1830–60
Jessica Millward, University of California at Irvine
“A New Canada”: A Maritime Route to Freedom in
Northeastern Brazil
Celso Castilho, Vanderbilt University
Comment: The Audience
Locating the Origins of the Second Vatican Council: Global Transformations, Spatial Shifts, and Refashioning
the Sacred in Twentieth-Century Catholicism
Hynes Convention Center, Room 102
Joint session with the American Catholic Historical Association
Chair: Terence Fay, Toronto School of Theology for St.
Augustine’s Seminary and the University of St.
Michael’s College at the University of Toronto
Topics: The Dynamic 1950s: The American Laity before Vatican II
Timothy Kelly, Saint Vincent College
From Mothers to Experts: Catholic Women’s
Contribution to the Second Vatican Council
Agnès Desmazières, Sciences Po Paris
In the Shadow of the Vatican: Producing and Defi ning
the Spirit of the Second Vatican Council in a Florentine
Parish, 1954–69
Trevor Kilgore, University of Michigan
Repositioning the Sacred: Roman Catholic Church
Architecture in Britain and the Second Vatican Council
Robert Proctor, Mackintosh School of Architecture,
Glasgow School of Art
Decolonization of the Filipino Church
Terence Fay
An Imperial Gaze at the Sacred Myth of American Exceptionalism
Hynes Convention Center, Room 204
Chair: Elizabeth Mancke, University of Akron
Panel: Daniel Byrne, University of Evansville
Lisa K. Jarvinen, La Salle University
Timothy Roberts, Western Illinois University
Patricia Rogers, Michigan State University
Comment: Cary Fraser, Pennsylvania State University
Responses of Native Americans and African Slaves to Atlantic Missions
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Simmons Room
Chair: Erik R. Seeman, University at Buffalo (State University of New York)
Papers: A Seventeenth-Century French Capuchin Mission among
the Tupinambá Indians of Brazil: Atlantic Perspectives
and Comparative Insights
Celine Carayon, Utah Valley University
Reassessing the Beginnings of Evangelical Protestantism
among Slaves in the Carolina Lowcountry
Aaron Fogleman, Northern Illinois University
“Translated from the Dominions of Darkness”: Native
Missionaries, Language, and Scientifi c Authority in the
Nineteenth Century
Sean P. Harvey, Seton Hall University and American
Antiquarian Society
Comment: Rachel Wheeler, Indiana University-Purdue
University Indianapolis
‘Au‘a ‘Ia: Native Hawaiian Remembering
Hynes Convention Center, Room 303
Chair: Momi Kamahele, University of Hawai‘i-Leeward
Community College
Topics: Sacred Text: The Power of Oli
Momi Kamahele
Kamehameha the Great’s Spiritual Conquest
Genai Keli‘ikuli, University of Hawai‘i-Leeward
Community College
The Kumulipo: Chanting Power and Knowledge
Luukia Archer, University of Hawai’i-Leeward
Community College
Comment: Mansel Blackford, Ohio State University
Unconventional Virtues: Ecstasy, Quilts, and Food in American Society and Culture
Hynes Convention Center, Room 306
Chair: J. C. Burnham, Ohio State University
Papers: Sacred Ecstasy: Revivals, Reproduction, and Salvation
in America
Kathy J. Cooke, Quinnipiac University
“Conserve Food to Save Yourselves”: The Politics of
Religion in World War I Food Conservation
Helen Veit, Michigan State University
Preserving Virtue: Quilts as Symbols of Lost Values
Karin E. Gedge, West Chester University
American Catholic Historical Association Session 12
Twentieth-Century American Catholicism
Addresses the Social Question: Three Vignettes
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Hyannis Room
Chair: Jeffrey M. Burns, Academy of American
Franciscan History
Papers: Father Nelson Baker’s Fight with the State of New York
Richard Gribble, Stonehill College
Get[ting] a Clean Victory? The Nonviolent Spirituality
of Dorothy Day and Cesar Chavez
Anne Klejment, University of St. Thomas
In the Matter of Karen Ann Quinlan: Catholicism and
the Ethics of Life and Death in the 1970s and Beyond
James P. McCartin, Seton Hall University
Comment: Jeffrey M. Burns
American Society of Church History Session 35
Alternative Social Gospels: Unconventional
Sources of Protestant Reform in a Transatlantic
Context, 1877–1930
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room C
Chair: Bill Trollinger, University of Dayton
Papers: Abraham Kuyper’s Social Gospel
James Bratt, Calvin College
“Non-Partisan Christians”: The Moral Imperative of
Social Reform and the Power of Unexpected Alliances in
Chicago, 1893–1925
Sarah Miglio, University of Notre Dame
The Social Gospel in Pittsburgh, 1916–30
Tyler B. Flynn Jr., Eastern University
Comment: Bill Trollinger
****Sunday, Jan. 9, 11:00 A.M.–1:00 P.M.****
No Sacred Story: Reframing Abraham Lincoln in Historical Memory
Hynes Convention Center, Room 103
Chair: W. Fitzhugh Brundage, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill
Papers: “Man Up, Lincoln”: Gender and Image in Civic Life
Leslie J. Lindenauer, Western Connecticut
State University
Martha E. May, Western Connecticut State University
Was Abraham Lincoln Gay? A History of Intense Identifi cations
Christopher Castiglia, Pennsylvania State University
“Serving the Lord and Abe Lincoln’s Spirit”: Lincoln
and Memory in the WPA Narratives
David A. Silkenat, North Dakota State University
Comment: David W. Blight, Yale University
In Life and Death: The Sacred Ties of Friendship in the Early United States
Hynes Convention Center, Room 109
Chair: Jan E. Lewis, Rutgers University-New Brusnwick
Papers: Faithful Friends: The Sacred Ties of Heterosocial
Friendship in the Early American Republic
Cassandra A. Good, University of Pennsylvania
Burn This: Preserving Private Papers in the Early
United States
Alea R. Henle, University of Connecticut
Spirit Politics: Antebellum Reform and the Shape of
American Spiritualism
Robert K. Nelson, University of Richmond
Comment: Mary L. Kelley, University of Michigan
Uncovering the “Religious” in Religious History
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Clarendon Room
Chair: Mark McGarvie,
University of Richmond
Topics: Why is Religion Always About Something Else?
Richard Schaefer, Plattsburgh
(State University of New York)
Religious History as Religious Studies
Kathryn Lofton, Yale University
Religious History as Intellectual History
Mark McGarvie
Using Religion to Teach History Teachers
John White, University of Dayton
Therese Neumann: Modern Stigmatic, International Cult Figure, and Anti-Nazi Symbol
Hynes Convention Center, Room 204
Joint session with the American Catholic Historical Association
Chair: Kevin P. Spicer, Stonehill College
Papers: Konnersreuth, USA: American Catholics and the Cult
of Therese Neumann
Paula M. Kane, University of Pittsburgh
The Issue of Resistenz: Therese Neumann and Her
Circle During the Era of National Socialism
Ulrike Wiethaus, Wake Forest University
Sacred, Secular, or Fraudulent: Competing Representations
of the Therese Neumann Phenomenon in Germany
Michael E. O’Sullivan, Marist College
Comment: Thomas A. Kselman, University of Notre Dame
Martyrs, Memorials, Pageants, and Parades: Race and the Politics of Remembering (and Forgetting) in Nineteenth-Century America
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Simmons Room
Chair: David Glassberg, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Papers: Race, Empire, and the Forgotten War: Why
Nineteenth-Century Americans Had So Much Trouble
Remembering Their 1846 War with Mexico
Amy Greenberg, Pennsylvania State University
“Here Triumphed in death ninety Christian Indians”:
Commemorating the Massacre of Moravian Indians at
Gnadenhutten, Ohio, 1782
Karin L. Huebner, Early Modern Studies Institute,
Huntington Library and University of Southern
A Pure and Sublime Monument to Washington: Race,
National Identity, and the Washington National
Monument in the Antebellum Era
Jeffrey A. Kosiorek, Hendrix College
Comment: Sarah J. Purcell, Grinnell College
The Influences of Slavery on Colonial Christianity
Hynes Convention Center, Room 308
Chair: Christine Leigh Heyrman, University of Delaware
Papers: The Politics of Conversion: The International
Moravian Baptismal Controversy in the 1750s
Katherine Gerbner, Harvard University
“In the time of war no French Negroes ever run away
from their Masters”: British Discourses of Slave Religion
and Loyalty Following the Seven Years’ War
Maria Alessandra Bollettino, Framingham State College
“God’s Just Judgment”: The Infl uence of Slave Resistance
on the Religious Discourses of the First Great Awakening
Justin James Pope, George Washington University
Comment: Jon F. Sensbach, University of Florida
American Catholic Historical Association Session 16
American Catholics and Print Culture
Marriott Boston Copley Place, Hyannis Room
Chair: Carrie T. Schultz, Boston College
Papers: The Making of “Ours”: Religious Life as Described in
Jesuit Custom Books
Casey C. Beaumier S.J., Boston College
Januarius De Concilio and the American Catechism:
New Evidence Questioning the Authorship of the
Baltimore Catechism
Biff Rocha, Benedictine College
Indiana’s Catholic Print Culture and Anti-Catholic
Movements in the 1920s
Joseph White, Catholic University of America
Comment: Carrie T. Schultz
American Society of Church History Session 36
The Formation of Protestant Identities through Book Selling (and Burning)
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room A
Chair: Katherine Carté Engel, Texas A&M University
Papers: One Prophecy, Three Sybils: How Booksellers Shaped
the Literary Culture of Ursula Shipton, 1641–49
Joshua A. Kercsmar, University of Notre Dame
“Justly Offencive”: Banning Books in Puritan
David Powers, independent scholar
Printing a Public: Evangelical Book Publishers and
the Emergence of the Twentieth-Century Evangelical
Daniel Vaca, Columbia University
Comment: Katherine Carté Engel
American Society of Church History Session 37
Strangers in an Ever-Stranger Land: Evangelicals Confront New England, 1834–1937
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room B
Chair: Dana L. Robert, Boston University
Papers: Fifty-Six Years of Circuit Riding in New England:
William Gordon and the Vicissitudes of Nineteenth-
Century Methodism
Brian Curtis Clark, Hartford Seminary
Charles Cullis, Gaetano Conte, and the Reconfi guration of
the Evangelical Holiness Movement in Boston, 1860–1905
Benjamin Hartley, Palmer Theological Seminary,
The Seminary of Eastern University
“It Is a Battle-Royal”: A. Z. Conrad’s Preaching at Park
Street Church, Boston, during the Fundamentalist-
Modernist Controversy
George W. Harper, Asia Graduate School of
Theology, Philippines
Comment: John G. Turner, University of South Alabama
American Society of Church History Session 38
Authors Meet Critics: Christian Nonviolence in the Twentieth Century
The Westin Copley Place, St. George Room C
Chair: Leilah Danielson, Northern Arizona University
Panel: A. J. Ballou, Boston University
Dan McKanan, Harvard University
Comments: Patricia Appelbaum, Springfield College
Joseph Kip Kosek, George Washington University
Conference on Latin American History Session 57
Franciscans, Indigenous Peoples, and the Battle for the Sacred in Colonial New Spain
The Westin Copley Place, North Star Room
Chair: Jeffrey M. Burns, Academy of American
Franciscan History
Papers: Spiritual Re-Conquests: The Franciscan Order and the
Continued Extirpation of Maya Idolatry, 1570–1670
John F. Chuchiak IV, Missouri State University
Religion and Trade: The Native Revolt of 1790 Against
the Franciscans in the Upper Amazon Frontier
Rick Goulet, Lock Haven University of Pennsylvania
One God, One Faith, One Baptism
Mark Zinn Christensen, Pennsylvania State University
Comment: Karen Melvin, Bates College
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